Wood impregnation


Wood is a special building material that needs to be properly maintained. Wood rot – it is a biochemical process, during which the weight and volume of wood decreases, colour changes, and its properties weaken. Before using construction wood, it must be impregnated. Impregnation ensures wood longevity. Initially, it must be well dried, then impregnated. Only later it can be primed, painted, etc.

Impregnation – it is the soaking of wood with protective means. Impregnation is necessary to allow the wood to last and protect it from penetration of moisture, dirt, pests, and so on. Garden furniture, fence boards, exterior products, floors and all other wood products that need reliable protection undergoes impregnation. It is important to choose the right wood preservatives and paints, as they must be compatible with each other.
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Wood impregnation

Impregnated wood with antiseptics prevents the wood from rotting, protects against wood rodents, protects against mould that can cause allergies, prevents the growth of fungi that destroy the wood, ensures less further maintenance of the building, keeps warmth inside the house, prevents the wood from moving. Impregnated wood lasts several times longer, acquires resistance to moisture - thus reducing the likelihood of swelling and deformation of the wood, improving the heat resistance characteristics, the structure of the impregnated wood is smoother and the appearance is more beautiful.
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Vacuum impregnation

Currently, the most effective impregnation technology is vacuum impregnation. This treatment method allows the impregnating material to penetrate deep into the wood. Wood is placed in a vacuum chamber (high pressure cylinder) from which air is pumped out. The treatment chemical is then introduced into the chamber. After a while, the chemical is pumped out when the pressure is raised. A vacuum is created in the chamber again. Excess preservative is removed. Due to the pressure difference, the impregnating material fills the wood cells. In the final stage, the pressure in the chamber is compared to atmospheric pressure. The wood is then stored in a dryer or warehouse for several days. This impregnation method requires special equipment and is carried out under industrial conditions.
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